Tuesday, March 26, 2013


So I couldn't blog last night because I was too busy getting wastey pants with my husband haha
Drunk people problems!
We had movie night last night, first with the kids, we made popcorn and watched Wreck It Ralph for the millionth and one time hah I don't mind though because I may or may not love that movie more than the kids do, guilty. Then after they went to bed hubby and I made some strawberry daquiris and watched Argo.. pretty effing good movie I might add.
 Im pretty freaking tired today and didn't want to get out of bed BUT hubby let me sleep til noon yesterday then let me take a 4 hour nap! Have I mentioned I have the BEST husband ever? :P So I got my lazy ass up and made him a nice breakfast, kuddos for me! lol

Today is going to be another torture day for me because I've gotta get back to painting booooo! I mean cant really do much anywho since Ohio decides it's best to snow for spring -.-
                                       MY BACKYARD IS WINTER WONDERLAND!
I seriously cannot wait for it to warm up and ACTUALLY feel like spring! especially because the kids and I are starting a ginormous garden this year. We already have the layout set up in the backyard, I'm excited to not have to spend shit loads of money at the grocery store because we will be growing pretty much everything in our yard lol. One thing I'm most excited about is our pumpkins we are growing, the kids are going to love watching their pumpkins grow then being able to pick them and carve them for halloween! Another project we are starting on in the backyard is an inground firepit! I found some amazing ideas off pintrest (of course) we have a Menards pretty close to us so we can get everything we need pretty cheap! Have I told yall how much I LOVE owning my own house?! lol it seriously is the best because I can do whatever the heck I want. Sucks once we finish remodeling and doing ish we like to the house we are going to have to turn around and rent it out. Military life right?
I know this was short but time for me to get the boys off to school then hubby and I are going to spend the day out with our little princess :) Stay tuned for pictures of the painted rooms, I should hopefully be done by the end of the week.
p.s. exactly 1 month til my husbands Officer Board! yip yip yippeee!

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