Monday, March 18, 2013

Madness Monday?

So let me get things straight before I go any further with this blog. I havn't been the perfect wife, my husband has been perfect either, but isnt love supposed to be about loving eachother imperfections and all? We have both made some poor decisions but we've also been together since age 15 (babies) it's bound to happen, not saying its right in any way shape or form, and I'm def not making any excuses. Our whole marriage I have been open and honest about our relationship, the world has been through and seen our break ups and make ups and I dont regret that one bit, because everyone can see that through the WORST times we have love strong enough to pull it back together, ALWAYS! We are young, dumb but in love. Like I said in a previous post, this past deployment has been by far one of the hardest. Luckily my husband and I are strong fighters for our marriage, there are times we just want to give up so bad but we sit back and remember why we married eachother in the first place. I love that man no doubt about it, do I feel like punching him in his throat at times HECK YES! but my love for him will only grow stronger. Today I was judged, ridiculed, teasted, bullied etc because of my mistakes in my marriage, by someone who i "trusted" (big mistake eh?) at the time to confide in, a message about me was posted all over Facebook for everyone to see and comment about. I'm the type of person who could care less what is being said about me, and I really don't, but it just makes me think, what the hell are we teaching our kids? We as parents are rolemodels for our children, it is SOO important for our kids to understand ALL types of bullying. "Bullies Behind A Keyboard Are Still Bullies." It doesn't matter if you're pissed, hate someone etc you never know what someone is going through. All it takes is that ONE time for someone to be bullied before they kill themselves. I've seen it on the internet, TV etc about all these young kids and teenagers commiting suicide over bullies. How would you feel if YOUR child was being bullied? It would eat you up inside right? So why as an adult, a parent, would you yourself stoop so low as to bully someone, what example are you setting for your children?

On a brighter note, I GOT A NEW FREAKING CAR TODAY!! WHOO HOOO I've been dying to get my hands on a ford edge for about a good 4 years now and I finally did! a 2010 ford edge SEL 

can i get a HELL YEAH! I'm so in love with it! I can change the cupholder and front and rear FLOOR lights to diff colors 

pink, red, blue, green, yellow, and white! its so awesome driving at night and the inside of my car is PINK! it also talks to me so i can tell it what to do (play the radio, sirus radio, call someone etc), the ass warmers are a nice touch, OH and so is the automatic rear door! lol can you tell im pretty much in love!

Well time to get my cuddle on with my handsome husband!

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