Friday, August 9, 2013


What's up Milso's and non Milso's :P

I'll be posting a bunch of randoms today k? k, ready set go!

for the military families who don't know this already, the military well atleast the airfoce here at our base provided my son with a new backpack and school supplies FOR FREE! saaweeet! they also do things for Thanksgiving and Christmas too so make sure you look into that, LOTS of freebies.

I'm pretty sure my husband and I have more fun on the boys birthday gift (14ft trampoline) than they do! lol we gave it to them early so they could enjoy it before school starts and the day we set it up the kids played on it then my husband and I waited for the kids to fall asleep then we literally crawled out of our bedroom window which has no screen (we didn't want to walk past the kid's room and wake them up) and we cracked up laughing jumping on the trampoline, once our fat asses got tired we layed there and look at the stars ^_^

My father in law is coming soon to help celebrate my boys 4th and 5th birthdays, not only did they get their trampoline and puppy but they are also getting toys and we are taking them to dun dun dunnnn KINGS ISLAND! they have a little "snoopy land" there and they meet the height requirements so they get to ride the little kid rollercoasters wahoo! they are going to have a blast and I can't freaking wait to see their faces!

My oldest son Ayden starts kindergarten on the 21st -_- so not ready, im going to cry, I know I am. OH and I had my second interview at a dental office today, it went VERY well so fingers crossed in 1-2weeks ill get a call saying I got the job $16/hr um yeah Ill take it! lol

My weightloss journey is totally sucking balls hahah because lucky me my dr said my hormones are out of wack, i'm being put on birth control BOOOOO and the fact my hormones are out of wack they said it'll be hard for me to lose weight, oh freaking well, I'm still going to bust my ass working out to atleast stay healthy :) besides strong is the new skinny right?

well anyways I guess those are my randoms for the day lol I hope everyone is having a blessed night! Til next time bloggers!

xoxo Military Wife Military Life

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